
falling into fall.

Ok, so it might still be 90 degrees here but that will not stop me from busting out all the fall treats, decor, and candles! I just love fall too much. And I am kind of glad the heat isn't gone yet...not mad about laying out and wearing flip flops for another month.

Deep frying donuts kind of scared me. I didn't know if I could do it/pull it off. I decided to try this Apple Cider Donut recipe. The ingredients were easy and the instructions didn't seem too hard. I ended up freezing the dough for a little bit longer than it says in the recipe. I also had to fry my donuts twice because they didn't cook all the way through at first...I need a candy thermometer. But they turned out perfectly delicious. I had to give most of them away so that Todd and I wouldn't eat all of them. And that carmel icing is to die for.

Yum yum yum yum!


danielle said...

You're so impressive! Yum!

Unknown said...

Looks delish! I'm Tori Porter's, sister in-laws's friend. That's how i found you!:) I'm just wondering if you can tell me how to spice up my blog!?

Unknown said...

Wow these look delicious!